E. Mase의 신간 소식을 구독하세요.
  • Technology and Health: Man and His World: A Salutis Unitas Contribution to an International Conference on Medical Informatics, Riva del Garda, Italy, (Paperback, 1980) - Man and His World; a Salutis Unitas Contribution to an International Conference on Medical Informatics, Riva Del Garda, Italy, April 21-25, 1978
  • P. L. Reichertz, G. Wagner, E. Mase (엮은이)
  • Springer Verlag | 1980년 08월
  • 77,360원 (18% 할인 / 3,870원)
  • 택배로 주문하면 2월 24일 출고 변경

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