Michal Rosen-Zvi의 신간 소식을 구독하세요.
  • Clinical Image-based Procedures, Distributed and Collaborative Learning, Artificial Intelligence for Combating COVID-19 and Secure and Privacy-Preserv (Paperback) - 10th Workshop, CLIP 2021, Second Workshop, DCL 2021, First Workshop, LL-COVID19, and First Workshop and Tutorial, PPML 2021, Held in Conjunction with
  • Marius George Linguraru, Cristina Oyarzun Laura, M. Jorge Cardoso, Michal Rosen-Zvi, Georgios Kaissis (엮은이)
  • Springer | 2021년 11월
  • 85,670원 (18% 할인 / 4,290원)
  • 택배로 주문하면 11월 25일 출고 변경

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