Germany and the Second World War : V5/II: Organization and Mobilization in the German Sphere of Power: Wartime Administration, Economy, and Manpower R (Paperback)
Germany and the Second World War : Volume V/I: Organization and Mobilization of the German Sphere of Power: Wartime Administration, Economy, and Manpo (Paperback)
Die Zerstorung Dresdens 13. Bis 15. Februar 1945: Gutachten Und Ergebnisse der Dresdner Historikerkommission Zur Ermittlung der Opferzahlen (Paperback)
Germany and the Second World War : Volume 5: Organization and Mobilization of the German Sphere of Power. Part I: Wartime Administration, Economy, and (Hardcover)
Der Zusammenbruch des Deutschen Reiches 1945. Halbbd.1 (Hardcover) - Die militarische Niederwerfung der Wehrmacht. Mit Beitr. v. Horst Boog, Richard Lakowski, Werner Rahn u. a.
Germany and the Second World War : Volume V/II: Organization and Mobilization in the German Sphere of Power: Wartime Administration, Economy, and Manp (Hardcover)