
추천 저자 authors
화제의 신간

Poor Economics (Hardcover)
Esther Duflo

The 5 Levels of Leadership (Paperback)
존 맥스웰 지음

Demand: How to Discover It, Exploit It, and Why Everything Depends on It (Paperback)
에이드리언 J. 슬라이워츠키 지... 7,490

That Used to Be Us (Perfect Paperback)
토머스 L. 프리드먼 지음

2011 베스트!

Brandwashed (Paperback)
마틴 린드스트롬 지음

Disciplined Dreaming (Hardcover)
Josh Linkner

Poke the Box (Hardcover)
Godin, Seth

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이 분야에 120 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Twelve and a Half : Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success (Paperback)

Gary Vaynerchuk / HarperCollins

16,310원(35%할인 / 170원)

The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking (Hardcover)

Saifedean Ammous / John Wiley & Sons Inc

38,280원(35%할인 / 770원)

Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos, with an Introduction by Walter Isaacson (Hardcover)

Jeff Bezos / Harvard Business Review Press

20,100원(40%할인 / 210원)

Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You (Paperback)

Sangeet Paul Choudary / W W Norton & Co Inc

19,690원(35%할인 / 400원)

Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World (Hardcover)

Dirk Lueth / Wiley

23,450원(50%할인 / 0원)

The NFT Handbook: How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens (Paperback)

Matt Fortnow / Wiley

27,620원(35%할인 / 280원)

Digital Marketing for Dummies (Paperback)

Ryan Deiss / For Dummies

38,570원(30%할인 / 780원)

E-Commerce 2010 (Paperback, 6th International Edition)

Carol Guercio Traver 외 지음 / Pearson Education

10,000원(74%할인 / 500원)

E-Commerce 2011 (Paperback, Global ed of 7th revised ed)

Carol Guercio Traver 외 지음 / Pearson Education

20,000원(49%할인 / 0원)

Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies (Paperback)

Dummies / John Wiley & Sons Inc

21,920원(50%할인 / 220원)

E-Shock (Paperback, 2nd)

Michael de Kare-Silver 지음 / Amacom

9,600원(60%할인 / 100원)

The Official Alibaba.com Success Guide: Insider Tips and Strategies for Sourcing Products from the World's Largest B2B Marketplace (Hardcover)

Brad Schepp / John Wiley & Sons Inc

29,790원(35%할인 / 300원)

Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing (Hardcover)

Lee Odden / John Wiley & Sons Inc

29,790원(35%할인 / 300원)

On Message : Precision Communication for the Digital Age (Paperback)

Theobald, Theo / Kogan Page Ltd

23,140원(35%할인 / 1,160원)

Clicks and Mortar: Passion Driven Growth in an Internet Driven World (Paperback, 2, Revised)


35,760원(35%할인 / 360원)

X: The Experience When Business Meets Design (Hardcover)

Brian Solis / John Wiley & Sons Inc

40,600원(35%할인 / 410원)

Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies (Paperback, 4)

Jan Zimmerman / John Wiley & Sons Inc

38,570원(30%할인 / 780원)

The Paytech Book: The Payment Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs, and Fintech Visionaries (Paperback)

Susanne Chishti / Wiley

41,200원(35%할인 / 420원)

Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy (Hardcover)

Ben Armstrong / Wiley

30,710원(35%할인 / 310원)

eBay For Seniors For Dummies (Paperback)

Marsha Collier / For Dummies

34,710원(30%할인 / 700원)

Irresistible Forces : The Business Legacy of Napster and the Growth of the Underground Internet (Paperback)

Trevor Merriden / Capstone Ltd

35,760원(35%할인 / 360원)

Managing Information Communication Technology Investments in Successful Enterprises (Hardcover)

Sam Lubbe / Igi Global

128,550원(30%할인 / 1,290원)

Advances in Electronic Business, Volume II (Hardcover)

Eldon Yu-Zen Li / Cybertech Pub

122,120원(30%할인 / 1,230원)

Re-Wiring Business: Uniting Management and the Web (Hardcover)

Tim McEachern / John Wiley & Sons Inc

35,820원(35%할인 / 360원)