연세대학교 상경대학 경제학과 졸업
미 코넬대 대학원 경제학과(경제학 석사, 박사)
한국은행 이코노미스트
미 코네티컷 주립대, 일본 국제대 교수
현 연세대학교 국제학대학원 교수
Price Response, Information and Asymmetry of Price Dispersion (Applied Economics, 2019)
A Scenario Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Grid Parity in the Maldives: The Case of Malahini Resort(Sustainability, 2018)
Differences in Consumer Loyalty and Willing‐ ness to Pay for Service Attributes Across Digital Channels: A Study of the Japanese Digital Content Market (Telecommunications Policy, 2008)
Cost Pass–Through in the Differentiated Product Markets: The Case of U.S. Processed Cheese (Journal of Industrial Economics, 2008)
Estimation of the Effects of New Brands on Incumbents’ Profits and Consumer Welfare: The U.S. Processed Cheese Market Case (Review of Industrial Organization, 2004)